Mission and Vision

Proposed Vision

A leading Catholic business agriculture degree program providing an interdisciplinary and highly innovative approach to agri-science and agri-technology.

Proposed Mission

Based on the guiding principles of UNO-R Mission, each GRADUATE seeks to develop one’s ability and passion to imbibe the RECOLETOS core values of serving the Philippines and the world in the 21st century.

The Logo

rolexhdlogoThe ROLEx logo highlights the heart-shaped leaves formed by overlapping raindrops with sepal as the book symbolizing the Recoletos knowledge and stigma as flame depicting the virtues of Augustinian Recoletos.

The Heart – represents love, especially the love of God to man.

The raindrops represent hope to the UNO-R agriculture program that has been parched by the drought of opportunities to grow its mission.  Rain brings life and brings back what was dormant in the academic program.

The Flame is drawn as the stigma of a flower  which symbolizes the Bible scriptures, and strict adherence to the authority and teachings of the Catholic church

The book is drawn with an exaggerated sepal to form a book symbolizes the written Holy words of God that inspires us to seek truth and knowledge.

The blue color symbolizes accountability where each Recoletos online learners is trained to be accountable to his actions as a well as for the environment

The gold color symbolizes the opportunities offered to every Recoletos Online learners for the total development of his being.

All the symbols challenge every Recoletos On-line learners to be like Fr. St. Augustine to go back to the heart and listen to the word of God and to find refuge in the teachings of the mother church. All aspects of the UNO-Recoletos moral virtues, religious, digital and technological infrastructures, organizations, pedagogical principles draw inspiration from St. Agustine’s theme CARITAS ET SCIENTIA.